Where did everyone go?

After a long hiatus from live sound, I'm back behind mixers again!

I wanted to revive my AMP rig and catch up on discussion topics, but I see these forums are completely silent.

Is the project still alive?


Josh McClain


  • Hey Josh… I think the project has effectively died. A few times I asked Bob about this and he assured me it was still moving forward, indeed there was another release since then but it all slowed right down. I think AMP is still usable, but whether there’s any further development I can’t say. I think most moved on from here. I’m no longer doing any live sound work but check in every so often out of curiosity


  • Hi, Matt,

    Ya, I called them recently, and they assured me they're still working on the product. Apparently, they're working on a new release.


  • I've heard nothing. I've built a rig for my son's band and was hoping to use AMP, especially if vst integration had been completed.

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